Little by little the great brain probed the material universe and theuniverse of mentality. He mastered the principles of biological evolution, andconstructed for his own delight a detailed history of life on earth. Helearned, by marvellous archaeological technique, the story of all the earlierhuman peoples, and of the Martian episode, matters which had remained hiddenfrom the Third Men. He discovered the principles of relativity and the quantumtheory, the nature of the atom as a complex system of wave trains. He measuredthe cosmos; and with his delicate instruments he counted the planetary systemsin many of the remote universes. He casually solved, to his own satisfaction atleast, the ancient problems of good and evil, of mind and its object, of theone and the many, and of truth and error. He created many new departments ofstate for the purpose of recording his discoveries in an artificial languagewhich he devised for the purpose. Each department consisted of many colleges ofcarefully bred and educated specialists who could understand the subject oftheir own department to some extent. But the co-ordination of all, and trueinsight into each, lay with the great brain alone.
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